1. Think English
Sometimes, the hard thing about speaking English is not the language itself, but how you think about it.
If you are thinking about your native language and trying to speak English, you have to translate between languages. The translation is not an easy thing to do! Even people who speak two or more languages ​​have a difficult time changing languages. English language course in Delhi.

2. Speak Alone
Whenever you are at home (or alone somewhere) you can improve your English speaking with someone you love: yourself.
If you are already thinking in English, try to express your thoughts aloud.
Read aloud again.
Exercise is a habit, and even if you do not have someone to correct your mistakes, just a simple act of speaking will help you to be more comfortable speaking English. Speak Confidently and Effectively in English.

3. Use a Mirror
Whenever you can, take a few minutes in your day to stand in front of a mirror and talk. Pick any topic, set a timer for at least two or three minutes, and talk.
The point of this activity is to look at your mouth, face, and body when you speak. It also makes you feel like you are talking to someone so that you pretend you are having a conversation with a reading classmate.
Speak for two or three minutes in full. Don’t give up!
If you are sticking to a word that you do not know, try to express your opinion differently. You can always look for a way to say that word after two to three minutes.
This will help you find out what types of words or sentences you are having trouble with.

4. Focus on Speaking Fluently English, Not Grammar
If you speak English, how often do you stop?
The more you stop, the less confident you will be and the less relaxed you will be. Try to experiment before the mirror above, but challenge yourself to speak without stopping all the time.
This may mean that your sentences will not be complete, and that is fine!
If you focus on speaking well rather than on speaking well, you will still be understood and will sound better. You can fill in the grammar and proper vocabulary as you learn better. we provide online/ offline English classes, Sumero is Best English Speaking Institute In India.

5. Read in English
Do you want to improve your speaking skills? Then you should start reading, too!
It is not possible to improve one language (such as speaking) if you do not practice and improve other areas, too.
Learning helps you to improve your speaking ability because it makes your mind work. When you read, you are probably listening to your head or the voice inside you speaking.
Alternatively, you can learn new words in context that you can use later in your conversations. From Sumero English Speaking institute in India.
Lastly, when you read (newspapers, books, elite students, poems…), you will be more connected to good, well-structured English.
The more you read, the more brain your brain will begin to detect patterns and groups of words that are commonly used. If those patterns are already in your head, you can use them in your conversations without hesitation.